Posted in 1 on April 14, 2009 by allnationsrevivalchurch


“I wasn’t sure what to expect from the walk, and as i was only there for two days, i wasn’t sure how deep exactly i would get into it……turns out very! Got there an meeting mike and mark for the first time felt completely at home, had a great laugh and got a whole new perspective on the message of the gospel, especially God’s Kingdom. The walk was tough, but i found my challenge elsewhere, praying over people in prayer ministry was a good experience even though was unexpected! Just wish i was there longer to take in more of the same.”

Alex Clurgy – St. Helens


Mike thank you for giving me the chance to walk with you and encouraging me to come, I had an awesome time and feel that god has moved significantly in my life.

“I am so glad that I got off my bum and took part in the for honour walk with mike as I have learnt a great deal in the process. For the period of time I was walking we encountered few people and rarely had a chance to evangelize. At first I was a bit discouraged as I wanted to impart in other peoples’ lives and teach them about god. Over the days however I realized that it was god who was imparting in my life and the very reason I was on the walk was to better my relationship with god and learn how to get to know him on a deeper and more personal level. I have learnt how to live in the spirit and how to recognize its voice and presence inside me. It has been a wicked experience and an honour to lighten the load a little bit for mike and I would gladly do it all again. The walking can be a struggle and the aching afterwards can be hard to deal with but I would recommend this to anyone my age, as it has given my life new direction and improved my relationship with god.”
P.S The blog is wicked mate, looks like you had a great time in Carmarthen (wish I could have stayed).

God bless,
Jon Vickers – All Nations Revival Church – Mitcham


“The cross walk was absoloutly amazing! it’s impossible to take part and not have your life changed! I was part of the team for 4 days, and for those 4 days God showed me what it actually means to advance his kingdom. The walk showed me that there is a generation who haven’t yet heard the truth and it’s up to us as the body of christ to show them the truth. It was amazing to be able to talk with people and see seeds planted, and even though we may not be around to see those seeds grow, we know and trust that God WILL make them grow. During the 4 days I really saw God’s provision, both for us as a team and for the people we encountered, God gave us all that we needed. God is amazing!! From the walk God has birthed new things inside me and put things into motion. I even got released in the gifts of the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues for the first time, it’s been flowing more and more, am well excited! I feel fresh and ready to keep pushing forward, knowing that with each step I am taking more ground for our king!”

Graham Hunter – St. Helens

‘Final Day’- Easter Monday

Posted in 1 on April 14, 2009 by allnationsrevivalchurch

102_0411The Final team- From right to left- Rebecca Brooks, Mike Vickers, Kathy Kelly, Rich Madeley( was there at the beginning and now at the end) & last but certainly not least, ‘Ace support man’ Mark Brooks.

like on many occasions, we met some children, obviously we don’t take pictures! After sharing Jesus with them I always ask the children if they have ever heard these things before. On most accounts the answer is No! What a privilege it has been to tell many children the truth they have been denied.

This is the last 100mtrs into the Bay.  20 miles already so far today. Others join for the home straight. North to South, and now East to West, my assignment almost complete!


We started with a helicopter escort, and now we finish with a motorbike escort!! This is John Hiscock a christian Biker Evangelist – Rides with the Knights of Antioch. He was escorting us into Whitesands bay St. Davids.



Mike, Mark & Rich raising up the cross high, feet in the water and praying for God to send a tidal wave of His Glory across the island!



Thankyou to everyone for praying, giving, sending verses, encouraging texts, visiting & blessing us with hospitality. OUR FRUIT IS YOUR FRUIT! BUT IT’S OF COURSE  THE ‘FATHERS’ FIRST! May it be fruit that will last forever. During this trip the purpose has always been,-


God Bless You,

From the trenches,

Mike Vickers.


Posted in 1 on April 14, 2009 by allnationsrevivalchurch

Starting early in the morning, am doing today’s walk in two parts  in order to fit in an Easter lunch with Y Groesfan church St. Davids.102_0398DON’T WORRY, I didn’t make her walk with the cross! But what a brilliant prayer partner!! Little Rebecca Brooks asked if she could walk for a few miles.

After lunch I was joined by Rev. Geraint Michael – Pastor of an ‘Emerging church’ plant in St Davids.

102_0408Met each other for the first time that day, now we are a team, contending for the souls of men!



102_0409This farmer enjoined spending time with us, Thousands of mustard seed tracts have been received, folded up an put in trouser pockets. I believe last thing at night when people find the tract in their pockets, it’s then while alone they take time to read it, AND IT’S THEN THE HOLY SPIRIT GETS THEM!!!


This woman called Mary was just so touched as we prayed for her! God ‘s love is just too good to keep to ouselves! she was walking to field a close by with two large buckets in her hands, she had 15 hungry horses! After having poured her heart out to two absolute strangers, we prayed for Mary, Praise God!  Talking is ministry on one level, but when we pray it’s a whole new level! Tears flowed, a real encounter. This is Mary & Pastor Geraint who plans to follow her up soon. “I’m so amazed”, she said, “that you have come along now”.



Posted in 1 on April 14, 2009 by allnationsrevivalchurch


Mike sharing the reason for the season with two Welsh locals.102_0397

Two more Pastors comments

Posted in 1 on April 10, 2009 by allnationsrevivalchurch

“We had really been looking forward to Mike and his team coming from the day we were contacted about the walk. We were certainly not disappointed. The Celebration Service on Thursday evening was a wonderful blessing to everyone who came. At the end Mike prayed for Brian and me, and especially for my chronically painful back. Many others were coming forward for prayer, and so I went out to speak to those coming out into the other room.

It was also our privilege and pleasure to have Mike, Mark, and for one night, 2 other young men to visit our house. Yes, we had hilarious times, but much more significantly we had really blessed fellowship. Living and working where we do often feel quite isolated, and such fellowship is very strengthening.

Oh? – my back? Well prior to that prayer,  for a very long time I had been just about coping with our normal everyday life, and since Christmas I had been deteriorating very rapidly and having to take many rest periods to get through each day. Not only did I cope with a team of strange men from S.W. London for 4 days, but after a very busy weekend I have driven for a total of 6 ½- 7 hours!!  You always keep Your promises.Thank You Lord for your strength for each day.”

Pastors Brian & Elizabeth Hodges, Ichthus christian fellowship, Hereford.

“We had the “For honour 2009″ team come to us last Sunday.Not knowing quite what to expect we were very pleased to find that they were all regular guys – with a vision and passion that was infectious.People were greatly blessed by Mikes’ simple clear message and after he had spoken most of the Church went forward for prayer. The results of that we will of course see worked out in the coming weeks, but for now there certainly seemed to be a move forward in the town.Thank you Lord!”

Rev Tony Reynolds Abergavenny Family Church


Posted in 1 on April 10, 2009 by allnationsrevivalchurch

Arrived in time for the churches together open-air witness at 12.30 Praise God. Arriving on time this early was due to walking 20 miles yesturday! Sore feet? just a bit…

What a surprize for all you keen Wimbledon tennis fans, Gerald Williams was part of the prossesion! We had great fellowship together, he was really interested in the cross walk and listened intently to the stories. He told me much about ‘christians in sport’ ( which he founded) some really exciting insights, the Holy Spirit is moving among the celebrities!


Some pics of the churches together event in Carmarthen town centre.


102_0378We gave out more tracts in Carmarthen than anywhere else. I walked all morning in the pouring rain, thick black cloud in the distance over Carmarthen, but arriving in the town the clouds dispersed and there was perfect sunshine the whole time! Mark Brooks really got stuck in with giving out special rubber bracelets-4 and of course the Smile tract. When the church leaders saw how popular these tracts were they asked if they could have a pile! Here’s Mark having the time of his life with the locals!



Posted in 1 on April 10, 2009 by allnationsrevivalchurch

102_0349Walked up and down many hills today! Just me and little Jon Vickers. I think God has sent me the right man to march with through the hills! He’s a strong lad.

We thought we take a detour through the Holy Land on the way to St. Davids!!!


102_0347I have to say goodbye to Jonathan Vickers tomorrow morning, He’s been great company,  he has the determined spirit of a true pioneer! Here’s Jon carrying the cross.

God bless you Jon, remember this?



Posted in 1 on April 8, 2009 by allnationsrevivalchurch

Leaving Brecon with yet another new team

102_0341From right to left- Jonathan Vickers, Jonathan Morris, Graham Hunter & Mike Vickers

Second half of the day, Jon Vickers and me were walking on our own through lots of HILLS! Then we came across these two. We just had another fantastic opportunity to bring two more guys to the foot of the cross! It’s so amazing to meet people for first time an 5 minutes later they are under the conviction! I never prayed with them to receive Christ ( could easily with a bit of pressure, have got them to pray the sinners prayer, but this is not about ‘notching up’ two more!)  but  both Jon and I are sure that we have just had another divine set-up. This is Tony and Robert

102_0345Hi all, This is Jon Vickers, started walking with Mike today! As I begun the walk I was full of energy and wanted to carry the cross regularly, this energy and enthusiam slowly began to die down as the miles went by and I had to dig deep to keep up. Walking  through the welsh countriside was breathtaking and the scenery was amazing, the only downfall being that there was no one around! We would often walk for miles without seeing a single person or any sign of civilisation and I longed to evangelise and share with people. I was so happy when we met Tony and Robert because we finally got some action and a chance to share the gospel. The whole 18miles was all worth for that one seed we planted in these two guys. As we walked though one of the small towns called, Aberbran, Graham felt God telling us that the people of this town must not miss out, so we put tracks through every house, we have never done this before.Here is a picture of the village



Posted in 1 on April 7, 2009 by allnationsrevivalchurch

102_0335Yes, I am privileged to walk through such a beautiful country!

Here’s Graham explaining our purpose to a driver who stopped to ask.

102_0331As I walked along the canal towards Brecon I ran into many groups of young backpackers. God has always given us favour with young people!


One particular group were really interested. I told them that the cross came with a very special message. One young Lady then asked if I would tell them what that message was, wow!!! Some sat on a bench and others sat on the floor while I preached to them, it was like speaking at a planned youth event! I asked them what they thought and one girl said it sounds “nuts”, God sending his son to die!  Others looked really thoughtful! It was major seeds sown into a generation ignorant of the truth. Here they are


Posted in Daily Blog on April 5, 2009 by allnationsrevivalchurch

We received this email from Monica Baker at Gateway Family Church:

Dear All, Thank you for visiting Gateway family Church in Abergavenny this morning. Dave and myself have been part of it for 4 years and have never seen a response like it to the call for prayer afterwards!!!
Nearly everybody I chatted to after the service was buzzing with what God had sorted out as a result of the meeting(my friend, Pat has a husband with Alzheimers and he has had a lifetime of opposition to the Lord despite having a son who manages YWAM in Vancouver. Years of prayer has resulting in his coming to church and homegroup but this is the FIRST time in his life he has agreed to being prayed for openly and publicly)

What follows is to encourage you as you pass thru Wales:-


102_0317This is Graham one of my new team ministering through song to the church today, wow! what a voice! and so anointed.


And Mike preaching “Creation waits for the manifestion of the SONS of God”

102_0281A huge response followed the word, and fruitful time of ministry! Watch out for a certain lady ministering alongside Mike, How did Marie Costillo get there?




